Medieval physician and writer native from the Berber Ifriqiya (Carthage – Montecassino, 11th century) who in 1077 moved from Sicily to the South of Italy. He was court doctor and teacher in the famous medical school of Salerno and, later, became a Christian monk in the abbey of Montecassino. He wrote several technical books and, for the first time in history, translated many medical treatises from Arabic to Latin, including works of Ali Ibn al-Abbas al-Majoussi, Ahmed Ibn a-Jazzar, Hunayn ibn Ishaq, Ishaq Ibn Imran, Isaac Israeli, Hippocrates and Galen. Because of that, he is considered the most important figure in the revival of scientific medicine in Western Europe from the 11th century onwards. The prestige and influence of the monastery of Montecassino helped to rapidly spread Constantine’s works to other countries.

On intercourse

On gynecology

On surgery

On the stomach

On spells

Compendium of all medical arts

Introduction to the medical art

Provision for a journey

The book of the eyes

On melancholy

On urine & The book of fever

On forgetfulness